Strength TogetHER 7- Session 2


19th December 2020

“Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.”-Peter T Mcintyre

Lokopakar is a youth development organization which is currently running a project called “Strength TogetHER”, where young girls from different background come and share insecurities, ideas, perspectives, stories which inspire each other and help them grow.This friendly platform has been empowering girls through their amazing moderators.

On 19th december, 2020, we conducted a second session of cohort 7 on the topic “Self Confidence” which was an hour long. 12  amazing participants showed up actively, shared  their stories and got amazing feedback from the moderator.

The moderator of the session was Ms. Nishma Gautam who is a proud feminist co-hosting “Pothi Baseko”,a podcast dedicated to stimulate dialogues on socio cultural issues from a feminist perspective. She is also a prominent debater of Nepal who has won several national tournaments and represented Nepal in World Championships and international tournaments as a debater, adjudicator and coach. Ms. Gautam is an analytical thinker, profound speaker and currently a student  of Psychology  and English Literature.

After a short introduction, we started sharing stories:

• Our first  participant shared that she has been lacking confidence in her online classes since she ruined her first oral test. She mentioned that  now she is very nervous and  has been avoiding interactions in that class. 

• Similarly our second participant shared that she is not very confident to interact in her online classes as she has never met anyone from her class in real life.

• Then our third participant shared that she is quite confident and never fears to express herself. She also shared the story of her friend who was quite confident in the beginning then one awful incident occurred. This demotivated for a while but he later had a major comeback and is doing very well now. This was quite an inspiring story.

• Our fourth speaker shared the story of a time she gave a haircut to her mother. She herself was not so satisfied with the result  but her mother was happy and even her neighbours complimented her. This made her believe in herself and encouraged to venture more.

• Our last speaker shared that she is very extrovert and friendly after a certain point in conversation but sometimes she fears whether the other person is entertaining her friendliness or not.

Then our moderator gave feedback to each and everyone. Her feedback is concluded in the following points.

Holding yourself  back just because of fear will never help you grow.

• Self initiation is the first step.

• Self confidence is not an overnight process, it takes time and there should be constant efforts.

• We should learn to appreciate others with their efforts,this will encourage them more.

• Fearing judgements won't help us grow.

• Leave off comparison and just be yourself.

• Learn to appreciate yourself.

• Do no let mistakes demotivate you, learn from them.

 Our session ended fueling up girls with motivation. This session helped us to realize how fear halts our growth and how self confidence brings out the most from us. Then our cheerful girls virtually bid goodbye with a promise to see each other in the upcoming session soonest.

I am Aahana Dhakal sharing, learning and growing in Strength TogetHer family as coordinator of  cohort seven.

Written by: Aahana Dhakal


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