Strength TogetHER 7 -Session 4

8th May 2021.

Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use it to change the world"

                      - Nelson Mandela 

LOKOPAKAR is a youth based organization which is currently running its project called "Strength TogetHER" where a group of girls from diverse backgrounds meet virtually and share their stories, insecurities,ideas and perspectives and help each other grow. This platform has been providing amazing moderators who listen, appreciate and guide the participants.

On 8th May, 2021 we conducted the fourth session of cohort 7 on the topic of "Power of Education''. Around 12 participants showed up and interacted with the moderators. 

The moderator of the session was Ms Rosy Karna who is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology at The PHSP  Stanford Psy.D Consortium Program and doing her practicum at the Community based mental health clinic, Community Health Awareness Clinic (CHAC). Her goal is to utilize her clinical knowledge and establish a better mental health care system in Nepal.

We first talked about how the pandemic is affecting the education system in Nepal. During the discussion we figured out that if the students with resources maintain sincerity, online learning can be much more effective. Then our moderator asked us to share our perspectives and experiences on education.

  • Our first speaker told us that online education is very effective for her. She can now be involved in multiple activities and learn more skills. She believes that determination  and honesty play an important role in education. 
  •  Our next speaker shared that she always had excellent grades but when she was interviewed her experiences and extra curricular activities were more valued. She also shared  how her mother's education helped her to have an upper hand in the family which inspires her to continue her educational journey.
  • Our third speaker shared that she is struggling with zoom fatigue. Our moderator suggested taking  breaks and  avoiding unnecessary screen time.
  • Our fourth speaker said that she is fond of learning and believes in education. But the exam panics her. Our moderator then explained how she can enjoy learning without any pressure. She highlighted how calming exercises like taking long breaths help to tackle panic and pressure.
  • Our fifth speaker shared that she understands the difference between an educated and literate person.  Malala's words, "some girls do not get education, do not take education for granted" motivated her to focus more on her studies.Train your mind with a positive attitude that will bring the most out of you.
 Then our moderator gave feedback to each and everyone. Her  feedback is concluded in the following points:
  • You always don't need to struggle, you can be inspired.
  • Acknowledge your privileges and get the most out of them
  • Education empowers future generations.
The session was really awakening for all of us. We realized that education should not be taken  for granted and how big opportunity it is to bring change.

I am Aahana Dhakal sharing learning and growing in Strength TogetHER family as a coordinator of cohort seven.

Written by: Aahana Dhakal (Coordinator)


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